

Moonlight - Rameses B

想了好多,告白和告别 🌾




Rameses B,来自英国利兹的一位多才多艺电子音乐人,创作类型为Drum&Bass,Dubstep, Electro, Trance, Chillout。

这首moonlight 类似于冥想类电音,给人虚无飘渺的感觉,仿佛失去重力一般漂浮在作者描绘出的宇宙中。

Rameses B经常在自己的作品中插入对白,很有特色也有助于听着理解这首很适合放松大脑的曲子。


We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world.

We give little thought of the machinery that generates the sunlight and makes life possible.

To the gravity that glues us to the earth that would otherwise send us spinning off into space.

Or to the atoms that which we are made.. and on who’s stability we fundamentally depend.

Few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is.

Where the cosmos came from.

Whether it was always there.

If time will one day flow backward.

Or whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can know.

What is the smallest piece of matter.

Why we remember the past and not the future.

And why there is a universe.


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